Online Social Skills Groups for Tweens and Teens

Q: Why choose Empowered by Speech Social Skills groups for your child or teen?

A: Your child will receive personalized and consistent instruction from me each week in a small group setting of no more than 8. The focus of the groups will be on connection and relationship while working on important skills for meaningful social interaction. I have years of experience with this age group in a variety of settings. I value mental health and well being and really strive to get to know each individual I work with.

Social Skills Group 101: Perspective taking and reading the room

Does your child struggle with reading nonverbal communication and seeing things from the perspective of others? This group is designed to work on these skills in a safe and fun environment while making connections with peers.

Target: Tweens (9-13) 

Length/Time: 8 Sessions 9/21-11/9 Saturdays 10:00am-11:00am; maximum 8 members

Cost: $200

Format: We will be using Zoom as our online platform. You will get a link and meeting code to join the group session. 

Topics: tuning in, understanding others’ point of view, empathy essentials, thinking about others, reading the room

Sessions are broken down into: 

  • Connection time (question of the day, sharing time, conversation topics)
  • Lesson time (lesson of the day with video and activities)
  • Game/Activity time (interactive activity for skill practice)

What you get:

  • Weekly lesson summaries
  • Tips for working on the skills at home
  • Resource list for online social communication sites

Instructor: Taria Cameron, M.A. CCC-SLP (BA in Psychology/MA in Communication disorders)

Social Skills Group 102: perspective-taking and reading the room

Does your teen struggle with reading nonverbal communication and seeing things from the perspective of others? This group is designed to work on these skills in a safe and fun environment while making connections with peers.

Target: Teens (14-18) 

Length/Time: 8 Sessions 9/16-11/4 Mondays 6:00pm-7:00pm; maximum 8 members

Cost: $200

Format: We will be using Zoom as our online platform. You will get a link and meeting code to join the group session. 

Topics: tuning in, understanding others’ point of view, empathy essentials, thinking about others, reading the room

Sessions are broken down into: 

  • Connection time (question of the day, sharing time, conversation topics)
  • Lesson time (lesson of the day with video and activities)
  • Game/Activity time (interactive activity for skill practice)

What you get:

  • Weekly lesson summaries
  • Tips for working on the skills at home
  • Resource list for online social communication sites

Instructor: Taria Cameron, M.A. CCC-SLP (BA in Psychology/MA in Communication disorders)

Social Skills Group 201: Intro to Conversation Skills

Does your child struggle with interacting with others in conversation and small talk? This group is designed to work on these necessary relationship skills in a safe and fun environment while making connections with peers.

Target: Tweens (9-13) 

Length/Time: 8 Sessions 9/21-11/9 Saturdays 11:00am-12:00pm; maximum 8 members

Cost: $200

Format: We will be using Zoom as our online platform. You will get a link and meeting code to join the group session. 

Topics: making connected topics, how to pick the topic, starting and ending a conversation, knowing when to talk, maintaining a conversation, knowing how much to talk

Sessions are broken down into: 

  • Connection time (question of the day, sharing time, conversation topics)
  • Lesson time (lesson of the day with video and activities)
  • Game/Activity time (interactive activity for skill practice)

What you get:

  • Weekly lesson summaries
  • Tips for working on the skills at home
  • Resource list for online social communication sites

Instructor: Taria Cameron, M.A. CCC-SLP (BA in Psychology/MA in Communication disorders

Social Skills Group 301: Advanced Conversation Skills

Does your teen struggle with the nuances of our language while interacting with others? This group is designed to work on skills such as figurative language, storytelling, humor and sarcasm while making connections with peers.

Target: Teens (14-18) 

Length/Time: 8 Sessions 9/18-11/6 Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm; maximum 8 members

Cost: $200

Format: We will be using Zoom as our online platform. You will get a link and meeting code to join the group session. 

Topics: Giving long or short responses, telling a narrative, direct and indirect language, using non-literal language, using humor and sarcasm, online communication

Sessions are broken down into: 

  • Connection time (question of the day, sharing time, conversation topics)
  • Lesson time (lesson of the day with video and activities)
  • Game/Activity time (interactive activity for skill practice)

What you get:

  • Weekly lesson summaries
  • Tips for working on the skills at home
  • Resource list for online social communication sites

Instructor: Taria Cameron, M.A. CCC-SLP (BA in Psychology/MA in Communication disorders)