Therapy Services

Steps to Get Started


Schedule a complimentary phone consultation

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to determine whether Empowered by Speech would be a good fit for your child. 


Speech and Language Evaluation

If you decide to move forward we will need a current assessment of your child’s communication skills, in the areas being considered.  You may provide a recent evaluation report if conducted in the past 6 months by a Speech Language Pathologist. Otherwise, we will schedule an evaluation.  You will be entered into the TheraPlatform (a HIPAA-compliant electronic medical record system) and receive consent forms and an intake form to complete. 


Treatment Begins!

Following the evaluation, you will receive results in a written report with recommendations for treatment. If treatment is recommended, this report will include a proposed treatment plan. You will be given a good faith estimate of fees and proposed length and frequency of services.

Schedule a Complimentary Phone Consultation Today!

Select 'Phone Consultation' to schedule, then proceed to fill out the Speech/Language Initial Consultation form below.